The energy of our culture is what moves us!

To join and grow at PRIO, it is essential to know, understand, and identify with our culture. This match is key to forming the excellent teams we have and to achieve the bold results that lead us to our big dream.

We believe that the culture is our greatest competitive edge. We live it in every stage and task of our everyday lives. As High-Performance Athletes, we believe in method as a way to be better prepared than others, and we accept nothing less than excellence and top performance. As combatants, we fight against inefficiency and old-fashioned and outdated practices. As Idealists, we have a big dream: we want to change the market and the world. And as pragmatics, we believe that only a sound company – which consistently generates profit – can sail through calm seas and get through the market adversities.

Do you know how the PRIO culture is formed?

Each letter of our name represents a vital energy that drives us and each energy is composed of a virtue that is reflected in the daily behavior of everyone who is part of the PRIO Team. After all, our purpose is to draw the best from our energy to transform Brazil into a more efficient place.

These are the 4 ENERGIES and 12 VIRTUES that, in an integrated way, are our strengths to build the PRIO of the future – today.



We connect, adapt, learn and grow together.


Connect with people to share, learn, and create together.


Prioritize safety, health, and the environment.


Value those who generate value, and value even more those who generate more.



We are obsessed with excellence and high performance.


Analyze and decide based on facts and data from the environment.


Follow a winning method to plan and execute.


Deliver the best result with quality and consistently.



If it makes sense to, we do it differently.


Question reality, propose and experiment with new ways.

Sense of Ownership

Assume one’s role in the whole, mobilize and resolve.


Challenge yourself, constantly challenge others, and break records.



We dream big and have a plan to execute.


Face situations with courage to overcome challenges.


Dream big and act daily to make it come true.


Act quickly and calmly with a focus on the solution.

Selection process


How to apply for the vacancy

Your path to getting started at PRIO starts with applying for a position. Here we will want to know your professional track record and analyze whether your profile is suitable for the position you applied for.


Assessment Center

In good Portuguese, it is an online assessment that you carry out so that we can get to know you better. What is your profile? How do you act in certain situations? How do you make decisions? This assessment tells us all this and even shows us how well you fit into the PRIO profile.



Throughout the process, there will be at least two interviews. We begin with the interview with HR, conducted by our recruitment team, and then with the manager of the job position available. In some cases, there is also an interview with the area’s chief officer.



This is not a rule, but some managers may request cases throughout the selection process. It’s an opportunity for you to show you really know about the subject matter.



This is your time to shine!

Careers Page

All our regular job openings are advertised at the link below. If you are looking for new challenges (real challenges!) and you identify with our culture, check out our job openings and join the PRIO team.  

Talent pool

Didn’t find anything matching your profile, but want to keep in touch with PRIO?
Sign up to our talent pool. Stay close to the company and receive news and tips for your development.

PRIO Fledglings

Discover opportunities for professional growth and development at PRIO through our trainee, internship, and summer-internship programs. With varying durations and focuses, these programs offer valuable experiences for students and recent graduates who want to be part of one of the largest oil & gas operators on the market.

Keep tabs on our social media to stay on top of the selection processes and take advantage of the chance to join innovative and strategic projects that are transforming the sector. Be part of the team that seeks to positively impact the industry while developing your skills and building a successful career.

Internship Program

Our Internship program has already trained several professionals who now hold strategic positions at PRIO. It is an intense one-year program, with several activities and projects, and plenty of development. The recruitment process always opens at the end of the year. Keep an eye on our social media!

Trainee program

Our trainees can work on incredible projects that seek to change the oil & gas market. Plus, we seek an integral vision of the company through onshore and offshore rotation of professionals with the aim of becoming the best on the market. It’s complete training at one of the largest O&G operators for recent graduates. Keep an eye on our social media!

Summer Internship

It’s called our summer internship, but it’s not just in the summertime! We offer the possibility for undergraduate, Full-Time MBA and Master’s students to work in operational and corporate projects here at PRIO. It is an opportunity for development and immersion in our company for up to three months.