Polvo A
Water depth
Type of platform
Fixed with attached drilling rig
Reserves (2024)
39 mi bbl (TBMT + Polvo cluster)
People on board
Lifespan extension*
16 years
Distance from the coast
100 km
Tubarão Martelo Field
*Based on Reservation Certification (2024)

About Polvo Field
- Our first asset, acquired in 2015
- In 2016, we invested more than US$ 11 million to increase oil extraction from the field
- In 2018, we drilled three wells, adding 5,000 barrels a day to production
- In 2020, we drilled two more wells, increasing production by another 3,000 barrels a day
- In 2021, it participated in the first tieback of an independent company in Brazil
- The Field’s life has been extended by 16 years

11,8 thousand
Daily production (boepd) 4Q24*
945 thousand
Oil sales (bbl) in 4Q24*
*The numbers refer to the production and sale of oil from the Polvo Cluster + TBMT
Did you know that octopuses are considered the most intelligent invertebrates in the entire ecosystem? Studies show that they can handle objects, open jars, solve mazes and learn by observation, imitating the behavior of other individuals of the species.
Octopuses also have three hearts: two pump blood to the gills, while the third sends oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. Interestingly, the latter stops beating when the animal is swimming, prioritizing the required circulation to its gills during movement.
Perhaps it was this combination of resilience and intelligence that made the octopus the perfect inspiration to name our first asset, the Polvo (Octopus) Field, which has been given a new lease of life and extended by 16 years!