PRIO is concerned with the responsible and sustainable management of the environment, prioritizing the management of waste and effluents to minimize the impacts of its activities and contribute to a cleaner and healthier world.
Waste and Pollution
PRIO has a rigorous waste management system that covers the entire chain, from offshore generation to onshore treatment. The companies responsible for the transportation and treatment of waste are periodically audited. In 2022, PRIO audited the companies responsible for the treatment of its most critical waste. In 2022, 60% of the waste returned to the production chain with added value, destined for recycling or reuse. Only 3% of the waste went to landfill. In 2023, PRIO plans to implement the Zero Landfill project to find more sustainable alternatives for the treatment and disposal of waste.
Water Care
The company produces four types of effluent discharge:
Cooling water
Sanitary effluent
Oily effluent