PRIO and its employees donate food baskets and kitchens to socially vulnerable groups

Since July this year, PRIO employees have been mobilizing to support communities in Cabo Frio, Arraial do Cabo, Araruama and Rio das Ostras (RJ).
The social initiative of the largest independent oil and gas company in Brazil reverts part of the value of employees’ meal and food tickets to purchase supplies for families of local farmers, fishermen and shellfish gatherers, with the company doubling the total amount donated.
PRIO’s monthly food basket donations help 100 families
Every month, around 100 families receive food baskets and 1,000 hot meals are distributed in this initiative.
In addition to blankets, clothing, and hygiene kits, which include feminine pads for women in menstrual poverty.
The initiative covers part of the families participating in the PEA Rede Observação, an environmental education project developed by PRIO in 11 municipalities in the area of influence of the Polvo, Frade and Tubarão Martelo fields, in the south of the Campos Basin.
“We have a permanent commitment to contribute to the development of these communities through active and close listening. The mobilization of our team is natural, since the company has a culture of strongly working the feeling of ‘owner’ in each employee. One way for the company and our employees to demonstrate this feeling is through solidarity and empathy, especially in times of pandemic that have increased even more the scenario of vulnerability and food insecurity of the families assisted,” says Marcelo Santux, Sustainability Manager of PRIO.
The food used in the production of the quentinhas is bought from the family farmers of the Cantagalo settlement in Rio das Ostras, a group that is served by the company’s projects.
The partnership enables the flow of the production and strengthens the generation of income locally.
About the PEA Observation Network
PRIO has been active in the Campos Basin, with the Environmental Education Project, since 2014. It is currently present in nine municipalities in the state of Rio and two in Espírito Santo.
Socio-environmental Observatories are maintained that promote educational activities with vulnerable groups, using popular communication tools to support the strengthening of these communities and the qualification of their participation in public environmental management.
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