PRIO encourages good mental and emotional health practices and offers free theater classes in front of Covid-19

The TranquilaMente Project, promoted by PRIO, the largest independent oil and gas company in the country, includes a set of online activities focused on strengthening a psychologically healthy culture and encouraging good mental and emotional health practices for its employees.
On a weekly basis, the company organizes an agenda with lectures, lives, functional training, meditation classes, on-call to clarify doubts, as well as content on self-knowledge and integral health, which help to face this period of social isolation due to Covid-19.
In just one week of online service with teachers, between training routines and exercise lives delivered via WhatsApp, Google Duo or Teams, there were more than 100 sessions.
To participate in the wellness club at home, the employee must choose an activity and sign up directly with the teachers dedicated to the project. The contents about self-knowledge and integral health are organized and distributed by a Newsletter.
The online Theater Workshops, held by the Constelar production company with PRIO’s sponsorship, have also drawn the attention of the company’s employees.
Intended for children and teenagers from 8 to 16 years old, the children of PRIO’s employees can participate in the workshops free of charge upon registration. There are 24 modules, divided into two groups, one for 8-11 year olds and another for 12-16 year olds. The classes take place on Saturday mornings, in a special room on Youtube, and the subscribers can interact with the teachers and have their exercises evaluated.
Since 2019, PRIO has been sponsoring the workshops that were initially held at the PRIO Theater of the Arts in Rio de Janeiro. With the social isolation due to Covid-19, the company decided to continue the socio-educational activities online.