PRIO launches sponsorship platform with the first campaign declaring love for RJ

Distributed digitally and in cinemas, the campaign film highlights the company’s commitment to promoting a social legacy through initiatives that foster culture, sport, and education
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PRIO, Brazil’s largest independent oil and gas company, is officially launching its sponsorship platform this year, which aims to give back to society, generating a social legacy by encouraging sport, culture, sustainability, and education. Under the name I Love PRIO, the platform gained its own social networks for publicizing projects – Instagram and TikTok – and as of this month it will be taking to the streets with campaigns in cinemas and at strategic points in Rio de Janeiro.
This first campaign within the platform features the concept “From PRIO to Rio”, with a manifesto film inspired by the beauty and lifestyle of its host city, which begins to circulate throughout this week on the company’s social networks and in movie theaters. The campaign features images of Rio’s main postcards, such as Copacabana beach, Pão de Açúcar, and Christ the Redeemer, in addition to showing Rio people in moments of leisure and the company’s presence as part of the city’s scenery, with its imposing headquarters building on Botafogo beach. The video also features the figure of the octopus – a character who represents the company’s first oil field – experiencing the beauty of the city.
The I Love PRIO platform has been growing and taking on its current format for two years and today includes more than 40 projects, with an expected investment of around R$ 35 million throughout 2024. Most of the projects supported are currently in Rio de Janeiro, where the company was born, but with the expansion of the platform, the idea is to expand it to other regions of the country, such as São Paulo, Brasília, and Vitória, for example. Among the new projects supported are the Rio Marathon, DreamTour, Instituto Vini Jr, Instituto Sem Barreiras, 10 Paralympic athletes, among others. “We are a current and efficient brand that wants to discuss the future, that values sustainability, and that encourages culture and sport. We use I Love PRIO because it reflects our passion for the initiatives we support and believe generate value,” says Gabriel Hackme, PRIO’s Sponsorship and Incentive Projects Manager and the person responsible for selecting the initiatives that are now supported by the company.
“The campaign reflects some of our many initiatives aimed at developing a legacy, differently and unusually. The I Love PRIO platform is much more than sponsorship, it is a series of initiatives that encompass our commitment to giving back to society. We started in Rio, but we hope to expand the platform to other locations in the future,” says Olivia Richardson, Head of Marketing and Communications at PRIO.
Among the sports projects supported and sponsored by the company are Instituto Reação, Todos na Luta, Dream Tour, United Autosports (McLaren), driver Nicolas Costa, Sem Barreiras, Night Run, Circuito das Estações and the Rio Marathon. Regarding education, the company supports Instituto Vini Jr and Rede Cruzada. On the women’s entrepreneurship and fashion front, other projects that are part of the support portfolio are Instituto Dona de Si and Carandaí. On the artistic and cultural side, PRIO has a theater named after it, I love PRIO, at the Jockey Club Brasileiro in Rio de Janeiro, sponsors the Tom Jobim musical, which is currently being auditioned, supports the Favela Brass social project and high-profile events such as ArtRio, Fronteiras do Pensamento, I love PRIO Winter Festival and I love PRIO Blues and Jazz.
PRIO has a portal for submitting projects that have been approved as a priority in one of the following ways: Federal Culture Incentive Law; Federal Sports Incentive Law; Audiovisual Law. Click here to access.
Read the manifesto
Of all the cities in the world, PRIO was born precisely in Rio.
What a privilege.
No city gets the nickname “marvelous” for nothing.
Because Rio is that and much more.
It is a beach to enjoy. Forest to explore. Mountain to fly.
It’s a rhythm that no Ash Wednesday can stop.
Rio is more than a zip code. It is a personality.
And do you know what Rio gets in return?
Here’s the real irony.
Rio can receive much more. The I💙PRIO platform was born for this.
To give back a little of what the city gives us.
It’s a declaration of love that goes far beyond the text.
Investment in sports.
It is about transforming people’s lives.
It is about bringing culture to the city.
It is about supporting sustainable projects.
And it takes a lot of efficiency to make all this happen.
I💙PRIO is a commitment.
A gift.
From PRIO to Rio.